
I know this blog has turned into more of a gardening blog over the last little while as opposed to a home reno blog. We have many more renos to go, but in our limited Canadian growing season, I am going to garden. I appreciate you all sticking with me. In case you can’t tell, we’re loving our new vegetable garden. We’re especially loving all of the food that we’re harvesting.

Vegetable garden harvest

We were a little late on planting (the whole building the garden thing delayed us a bit). So I’ve been trying to be patient when it comes to looking for edible vegetables. However, I’ve perhaps been a little too patient.

I thought the zucchinis were still at the blossom stage. A closer look revealed we were past the harvest stage for some zucs. Yipes. There were nine good-sized (really fairly large) zucchinis. And two days later, I harvested seven more (and there’s been one more since then).

So far, I’ve made grilled zucchini, chocolate sour cream zucchini cake, zucchini bread, chocolate zucchini bread, zucchini soup and zucchini parmesan. I even snuck a few into my parents’ car when they came to visit the farm. More are coming though. Anyone have any good zucchini recipes?


Out of a whole package of bean seeds, only four plants have grown (the others were nibbled right after they sprouted). That means our harvest has not been huge, but we’ve had a few lovely yellow beans.

Yellow beans

Beside the beans, the tomatoes are turning red. The cherry tomatoes blow me away. I’ve never seen tomatoes grow in clusters like this. And of course, they’re my favourite sweet tomatoes. Very few make it to the house. I eat ’em like candy right in the garden.

Cherry tomatoes

The potatoes plants are blooming. I hope potatoes themselves grow in time for harvest this fall.

Potato blossoms

And beside the potatoes, in a mass of leaves and vines, squashes are starting to form. I’m absolutely going to figure out a trellis system next year for the squash. They’re taking over. Good thing we have a big garden, but there are lots of other plants on the wishlist for next year. The squash are going to have to learn to share.

Baby squashes

We’re picking lettuce, beets and green onions as we need them, the red raspberries have transplanted successfully, and I have hope that a few of the black raspberries are going to make it. It looks like even the peppers may be perking up.

This is the closest I’ve ever been to being a farmer. And I have to say I like it.

What are you growing, harvesting and eating at your house?

9 thoughts on “Harvest!

  1. Yay! What a great harvest for you!

    I have never been a fan of zucchinis. Steve’s parents grow them some times in our garden and we can’t give enough away. So the past two years we didn’t even plant any.
    My cherry tomatoes look the same! I took a picture over the weekend because they were red at one end and faded to green at the other and I couldn’t get over how beautiful they were! Many of them I roasted and froze so that I can add them to pasta and pizza and other things this winter. Green beans are harvested, tomatoes are coming on strong as are cucumbers. I am crossing my fingers that potatoes and sweet potatoes produce something!

  2. Have you been hilling your potatoes? If so, you shouldn’t have any problems. They need to be watered a lot, and hilled every few weeks from the time tubers start to form (before the blossoms appear). You’ll be surprised how many you will find in your “hill” when it’s time to harvest!

    My kids always eat the cherry tomatoes right from the plant….I rarely get to bring any into the house! LOL

  3. Here are a couple of zucchini recipes to try. Something different! I’ve made the zucchini boats (the third one) and they are very good. And hey, sorry about my turnip casserole recipe – I promised it and then forgot all about it! I’ll get on that ASAP. Your garden harvest is wonderful…jealous! 🙂

    I don’t think of your blog as a home reno blog. I think of it as an all-the-farm-things blog, so the garden definitely fits!

  4. This year we didn’t plant any Zucchini, but when we do we plant a variety called Black Beauty. They are a compact bush variety and don’t spread across the garden which is really nice. They aren’t really black either, just dark green. I love using zucchini in minestrone soup and tomato sauce. I’m not sure if you’ve ever frozen some before, but if you grate it then pack it in freezer bags you can enjoy a nice zucchini cake in the middle of winter, or cube it and freeze it and use it in soups.

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